Este es tu lugar

Vos tenes mucho que ofrecer. En Lockton, creemos que te mereces una carrera que sea tan excepcional como vos. Empoderando a la gente. Celebrando la inclusión. Teniendo impacto. De eso se trata.

Si esto se parece a vos, imagínate nada más lo que podemos hacer juntos.

Explorar opotunidades

Una carrera que adoras

Img- A career you love

Una carrera que adoras

Cada quien ve de diferente modo lo que es una carrera significativa — y creemos que el trabajo no se trata solamente de encontrar una “buena chamba”. En Lockton tu éxito es nuestro éxito, y nosotros te brindamos oportunidades que te ayudan a crecer y crear una trayectoria profesional gratificante, como quiera que tú te la imagines.

Img- A career you love

Vacantes recientes

Impulsadas por nuestra gente

Impulsadas por nuestra gente

En Lockton te empoderamos para que cada día marques una diferencia para tus colegas, tus clientes y tu comunidad.

Nuestra cultura de apoyo ha sido parte del ADN de Lockton desde su inicio.

Qué hace que Lockton sea Lockton?


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Lockton Life_Australia
Lockton Life_Midwest
Lockton Life_UK

Abrazando la autenticidad

Tus pasiones, aptitudes y experiencias en lo individual hacen que tú seas tú. Creemos en el poder de toda la gente y te animamos a traer tu verdadero yo a todo lo que haces.

En Lockton trabajamos duro para asegurar que nuestra gente se sienta bienvenida y valorada y les brindamos oportunidades que les ayuden a crecer en lo personal y en lo profesional. Así que sé tu mismo, aporta tus aptitudes y utiliza tu voz para tener un impacto positivo en nuestro equipo, nuestros clientes, nuestras comunidades– y en ti mismo.

Associate Resource Groups icon

Grupos de Recursos de Colaboradores

Apoyamos y hacemos posible que múltiples Grupos de Recursos lidereados por Colaboradores dediquen espacios para apoyar a la comunidad e incrementar enlaces.

Commitment to DEI icon

Compromiso con DEI

Trabajamos en innovación y entendimiento a través de entrenamiento, eventos y oportunidades de aprendizaje manejadas por nuestros Consejos y Comités de DEI.

Opportunities for growth icon

Oportunidades de crecimiento

Brindamos oportunidades emocionantes para moldear tu experiencia de carrera e incrementar tus conocimientos, incluyendo desarrollo profesional y capacitación.

Community outreach icon

Apoyo a la comunidad

Devolvemos a la comunidad en que vivimos y trabajamos al apoyar organizaciones y causas que te son importantes a través de oportunidades para donar y ser voluntario.

Asuntos de bienestar

Asuntos de bienestar

La vida en Lockton es acerca de crecimiento, flexibilidad y reconocimiento, pero la vida es mucho más que el trabajo.

Cuidar de nuestra gente en el trabajo y en casa ayuda a que tu logres llegar a tu máximo potencial. Por eso nos enfocamos en tu salud y bienestar en general, dando prioridad a beneficios que representen una diferencia para ti y tu familia.

Explora los beneficios

Life at Lockton


Life at Lockton Article Header_Josh Arnold

October 15, 2024

Global Community Impact Award: Josh Arnold
If you're interested in supporting Camo to College, click here to learn more. Josh Arnold, a former Marine Corps Section Leader, has been awarded Lockton’s Global Community Impact Award after being recognized as a regional winner last year. The award was presented to him for his dedicated work with Camo to College, a nonprofit he founded in 2021 to help veterans transition back into civilian life. Josh describes it as a “transition to society brokerage,” acting as an advocate for veterans as they navigate the complexities of post-military life—whether it’s pursuing education, vocational training, or a new career path. Winning the award for the second consecutive year was a surprise for Josh, who didn’t expect his growing nonprofit to receive such recognition so soon. 'It’s amazing to know that people believe in our mission and recognize the work that has gone into getting us to where we are now,' he says. In addition to the award, Josh was astonished to receive a generous $100,000 donation to Camo to College from the Lockton family - the largest donation given since the launch of the Community Impact Award. “The support and dedication to philanthropic efforts at Lockton is unmatched. Having the President of our company as one of our first donors, receiving such a substantial contribution from the Lockton family, and the incredible support of my coworkers has been overwhelming!” Josh’s leadership style is rooted in problem-solving and a deep sense of responsibility to his fellow veterans. “When I see an issue, I trace it back to the root and put a plan together to fix it. Camo to College started because I saw too many veterans struggling after their service, and too many of my brothers taking their own lives. Veteran suicide is a huge issue, but instead of just addressing the symptoms, I wanted to go back to where it all began: the transition to civilian life. That’s where we can make the biggest difference.” Josh’s belief in Lockton’s business model paved the way for how he structured his nonprofit. “I don’t think there is a Camo to College without Lockton. The idea isn’t some visionary plan, but the simplicity of it works. Be an advocate to our clients, make them a priority, and do everything in our power to make them happy.” At Lockton, culture is more than just a talking point—it’s woven into the fabric of the company. “We brag about our culture at Lockton, and I think to a certain extent, a lot of companies do this,” says Josh. “However, it’s the follow-through that makes Lockton stand out.” Lockton goes beyond promoting its values, ensuring they are reflected in every aspect of the business. “They have instilled certain values that they believe can attract the right Associates and make a company successful, and the difference is the effort and energy put into validating these values,” Josh explains. This dedication to authenticity is what makes Lockton's culture exceptional. Through Lockton’s support, both financially and culturally, Camo to College is now on a path to help veterans not just survive but thrive after military service. “Lockton’s values of service and community are why I love working here,” says Josh. “The company truly cares, and that’s evident in everything they do. I’m so thankful for the Lockton family, my colleagues, and everyone who has supported this mission. Together, we’re making a real difference in the lives of veterans.”


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October 14, 2024

Making an impact: Sinafik Gebru
If you're interested in supporting Your Ethiopian Professionals Network, click here to learn more. Sinafik Gebru’s journey as an immigrant led her to Your Ethiopian Professionals Network (YEP), a community that helped her navigate the challenges of building a new life in a different country. Now, years later, her work with YEP has earned her the prestigious Global Community Impact Award, a recognition that highlights her dedication to empowering others facing similar challenges. As part of this recognition, the Lockton family has donated $50,000 to Your Ethiopian Professionals Network. “I wouldn’t be where I am today without YEP,” Sinafik said. “To now receive this award for something that has been so pivotal in my own life is incredibly humbling. For 14 years, we’ve pushed forward with limited resources. This recognition allows us to make an even bigger impact.” YEP was born out of the need to inspire, educate, and empower the Ethiopian professional community. For Sinafik, it has served as a vital resource, offering professional opportunities and a network of individuals who understand the unique challenges of building a career in a new environment. “As an immigrant, YEP provided me with a sense of belonging and a platform to grow in ways I never anticipated,” she explained. “I want to ensure that this platform continues to be available for others who are seeking to grow, connect, and make meaningful contributions.” Looking ahead, Sinafik is focused on empowering the next generation of leaders. “We have a talented community, and I want to focus on growing that leadership,” she said. “I’m honored by this award, but it’s YEP’s success that matters most.” Lockton has played a significant role in her journey, providing more than just a professional platform. “At Lockton, I’ve found a family. Most of my relatives are far away, but my Associates have become my support system,” she said. “Lockton encourages us to pursue our passions outside of work. The culture here fosters a sense of belonging and purpose. That’s what’s made my commitment to YEP so sustainable.” Through Sinafik’s work with YEP and the support of Lockton, she is not only transforming her own life but also paving the way for future generations of Ethiopian professionals.


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September 26, 2024

Our Global Community Impact Story - 2024...
Lockton is a company with a purpose. Every day, we strive to create a remarkably better world – to be more, do more, and care more. It is who we are. Lockton and our people have been working around the world to advance our collective impact, and we are proud to share our first global Lockton Cares report with you. In this report, you will find inspiring stories of giving – from both Lockton as a company and our empowered Associates – that have made positive changes in our neighborhoods. Though these stories do not represent the totality of our story, they give you a snapshot of how Lockton, and more importantly our people, are helping our communities reach their ultimate potential. Read our 2024 Lockton Cares Report.


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September 12, 2024

Creating a Remarkably Better World - 202...
At Lockton, we empower our people, clients, and communities to achieve their ultimate potential. In the last two years, we’ve made great strides in building on our foundation to make changes, decisions, and investments that will result in positive global outcomes. We’ve become a better employer, client advisor, and community partner. We’ve invested in understanding our environmental footprint, formalized a global committee, and doubled down on our commitment to our people and neighborhoods — to name a few. The efforts and expertise of our people and leaders worldwide to further our values and solidify our commitments are creating changes that will continue to help us achieve a remarkably better world. As always, we remain committed to being an employer of choice, trusted client advisor, and active community partner. We look forward to our ongoing progress in this space. Read the 2024 Lockton Impact Report.
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