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You’ve got a lot to offer. At Lockton, we believe you deserve a career that’s just as exceptional as you are. Empowering people. Celebrating inclusion. Making an impact. It’s what we’re all about.

If this sounds like you, just imagine what we could do together.

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A career you love

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A career you love

A meaningful career looks different for everyone — and we believe work shouldn’t just be about finding a “good job.” At Lockton, your success is our success, and we provide opportunities to help you grow and create a rewarding career path, however you envision it.

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Powered by our people

Powered by our people

At Lockton, we empower you to make a difference every day for your colleagues, your clients and your community.

Our caring culture has been part of Lockton’s DNA since the beginning.

What makes Lockton, Lockton


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Embracing authenticity

Your individual passions, skillsets and experiences are what make you, you. We believe in the power of all people and encourage you to bring your authentic self to everything you do.

At Lockton, we work hard to make sure our people feel welcomed and valued and provide opportunities to help them grow personally and professionally. So, be yourself, bring your skills and use your voice to make a positive impact on our team, our clients, our communities — and yourself.

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Associate Resource Groups

We support and enable multiple Associate-led Resource Groups that provide dedicated spaces to help foster community and increase connection.

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Commitment to DEI

Our DEI Councils and Committees work to advance understanding through training, events and learning opportunities for our clients, Associates and communities.

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Opportunities for growth

We provide exciting opportunities to shape your career experience and expand your expertise, including professional development and trainings.

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Community outreach

We give back to the communities in which we live and work by supporting organizations and causes that are meaningful to you through opportunities to donate and volunteer.

Wellbeing matters

Wellbeing matters

Life at Lockton is about growth, flexibility and recognition, but life is about so much more than work.

Caring for our people at work and at home helps you reach your ultimate potential. That’s why we focus on your overall health and wellbeing, and prioritize benefits that make a difference for you and your family.

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Life at Lockton


Clare Crossling Life at Lockton Article Header

July 25, 2024

Making an impact: Clare Crossling
Clare Crossling has spent years making a difference in her community, most notably through her work with Sarah's Star. Sarah’s Star is an organization dedicated to supporting individuals and their families with long-term illnesses through holistic therapies. Her dedication and hard work were recently recognized when she received the Community Impact Award from Lockton, which included a £20,000 donation to Sarah's Star. Clare's journey began two years ago when it was just an idea. Today, she serves as the volunteer team leader. "I’ve seen firsthand the devastating impact that long-term illness, such as cancer, has on people," Clare said. "Sarah's Star gives beneficiaries a safe space with no judgment. Classes such as hula hooping, Pilates, sound baths, and meditation offer people an opportunity to take part free of charge." The Community Impact Award, funded by the Lockton family, recognizes Associates who have made exceptional contributions to their communities through their dedication to volunteering and philanthropy. Clare was overwhelmed when she learned she had won. "I was in absolute shock and joy. I was not expecting to win at all," Clare shared. "It’s hard to put into words how much it means. Being recognized for years of hard work and effort is special.” Clare's work with Lockton has significantly influenced her philanthropic efforts. "Professionally, it’s made me appreciate Lockton even more," Clare said. "Personally, working with Sarah’s Star makes me appreciate how vital my own good health is and how imperative it is we support people who suffer through no fault of their own." Looking ahead, Clare has ambitious goals for Sarah's Star. "We want to roll out more holistic therapies to a wider range of people," she explained. Our 12-month plan is to commence children’s services." To achieve these goals, Clare relies on her tenacity and dedication. "None of us have eight days in the week, so it’s all about deciding what our priorities are and making time for them," she said. This mindset has led to not only her success professionally but also success in her personal life. Lockton's caring culture has been a driving force behind Clare's work. “I’ve always been able to juggle family and work life due to the most supportive network of colleagues,” Clare noted. "I could not be more thankful to work for an organization that truly cares about its employees and their communities.” Clare's passion for her work and community service embodies the true spirit of the Community Impact Award.


Clarissa Franks Life at Lockton

March 28, 2024

My career, my story: Clarissa Franks
For Clarissa Franks, Lockton is synonymous with growth and opportunity. An industry veteran of over 15 years, Clarissa joined Lockton in November 2023 to capitalize on opportunity – opportunities for personal and professional growth, client advocacy, and growth. “I came from a broker that was constantly tied up in the numbers and margin,” said Clarissa. “I wanted to be challenged by opportunity and what’s possible, not what we needed to do to keep margins. When I met with Ron [Lockton], he was interested in me – not the numbers. And I knew this opportunity would be different.” And four months in, she can confidently say Lockton is different. “The people are the biggest difference. There’s a difference in the quality of the teams – everyone at every level is consistent,” she said. “It’s not just your superstar Producers – every team member is fantastic.” But what really stood out to Clarissa is the community here at Lockton. “The vibrancy and enthusiasm around our Associate Resource Groups (ARG) really struck me,” she said. “There’s executive support behind them and a lot of time and energy is spent cultivating these groups.” Clarissa specifically mentions the Ignite group – Lockton’s young professional group. Clarissa recently had the opportunity to speak to the group about career paths, adversity in the workplace and finding work-life balance, amongst other topics. “The impact of this group – promotions, mentorships, access to leadership and career experience - is powerful,” she noted. “Things are changing at Lockton and our ARGs will continue to help that.” Something that continues to be at the forefront at Lockton is diversity. Lockton is a proud sponsor of the Tate Museum to promote the importance of DEI, artistic risk-taking, community engagement and access to art for all. An upcoming exhibit, titled Now You See Us and sponsored by Lockton, comes on display later this year. Clarissa, who is speaking at the opening event, sees the parallels. “The exhibition is about celebrating women artists who refused to be boxed in by the stereotypes of their time,” explained Clarissa. “So often in the workplace, women aren’t given proper credit for the work they’re doing. I don’t think that describes Lockton at all. Here, women are seen and acknowledged.” “People can be themselves here. They can bring their whole selves to a space where they can be seen, wear their heart on their sleeves and show their passion. I’m still new, but I feel like I’m at home.”


Lucy Scott Life at Lockton

March 28, 2024

My career, my story: Lucy Scott
Lucy Scott’s story is one of steady growth. After graduating from university, Lucy heard about Lockton through a family friend. She quickly found herself on the Cyber and Technology team. “We felt so small when I joined,” noted Lucy. “Our practice was only five years old at the time and there were just a few of us. I didn’t know much about Lockton, but I knew it was a fast-growing business. And we have grown so much during my time here.” After an exciting decade of learning, development, relationship building and growth, Lucy is now the Head of Cyber and Technology in the U.K., which works to understand and manage the cyber and technology risks of our clients around the world. The practice has grown exponentially over nearly two decades and now has more than 100 specialists globally. “We work together globally but we’re able to be flexible for our regional clients,” said Lucy. “Insurance can seem so complicated but really we’re just creating relationships and solutions for our clients.” In addition to her role, Lucy helps lead Ignite – Lockton’s professional growth community for the U.K. region. The goal of Ignite is to enable the professional growth of Associates while contributing to the financial growth and the future direction of Lockton. “We revived the group during the pandemic when people were really craving engagement,” said Lucy. “It’s turned into so much more since then.” With over 600 members, the group hosts and participates in a variety of activities. From “Day in the Life” initiatives where Associates can shadow Lockton’s leaders, to leadership talks, networking events, charity and community activities and more, the group continues to grow and make an impact every day. “I love the sense of empowerment that we’ve created amongst our community leaders and members. We recently had someone come to me and ask if they could create an Ignite book club as another means to connect socially without alcohol. Associates are really taking the platform that we’ve created to drive forward their ideas and make it their own,” said Lucy. Through it all, the group provides a community where young professionals can learn from each other, embrace and advance Lockton’s culture, and shape the future of Lockton. For Lucy, the growth of Ignite represents her growth at Lockton. “Lockton has changed a lot during my time here,” said Lucy. “You can feel the momentum. We’ve made a lot of investments in our people and our business – and you can see the impact that it’s making on our growth. It’s great to be able to grow alongside the company.”


Jordan Moss Life at Lockton

February 21, 2024

Making an impact: Jordan Moss
Jordan Moss, Senior Vice President of Lockton Global Real Estate & Construction, has bravely fought melanoma for over 12 years, with many respites of recovery yet tempered by periodic setbacks. To talk with him or be with him, you would never know Jordan was sick or had experienced any of this. He is pure forward-motion, strength, resolve, positivity, and heart. "Chase fulfillment,” he says. And this has become a life motto. Jordan uses this, along with his natural physical strength (he was a champion amateur weightlifter), to create and implement his mindset. Within this is a boldly lived responsibility to help as many people as he can. As he says, “I feel it is my responsibility.” His leadership and involvement with Lockton GREAC’s Charitable Association exemplify this. Jordan and the GREAC team wanted to make an activity in which everyone could participate and so they conceptualized an event where GREAC “Crossed the Atlantic” during the month of March 2023. With the help of a fitness-tracking app, the office charted their collective progress. “It didn’t matter what you contributed, you could walk your dog, go for a run, row, bike or swim. All efforts were welcomed and applied to our goal.” Jordan led the charge. Every day, no matter what, Jordan did something. He would often wake up at 4 a.m., run, row, or use the bike. He believed his commitment and dedication would inspire others – and he was right. The entire office took part, and they met their goal – with a few days to spare – raising £2,650 in the process. This past year, GREAC also took on The Thames Path Challenge, an infamous event that sees hundreds of competitors pit themselves against one of the UK’s longest national trails. It’s a grueling 100 km race, not for the faint of heart. Over 20 GRE&C Associates battled the heat and participated in The Thames Path Challenge. Together, they raised £3,951 for the Alzheimer's Society and The Brain Tumour Charity, the charity personally selected by Jordan for the incredible work that they do in support of cancer patients and their families. It was a tremendous achievement. "The support and teamwork were unbelievable. This is a perfect example of Lockton’s culture, of how we come together, support one another, and make a lasting impact. Lockton is bigger than just a company, it is a socially responsible and caring team.”
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